Friday, July 20, 2012

Beer, it's what's for dinner tonight!

So it has been far too long since my last post. There are a number of reasons, but mostly just due to a mixture of being busy and lazy. Work has been interesting for the last few weeks. The PicGreen photo contest that I designed for the FaceBook page went over pretty well. We managed to get a solid number of entries and votes. With that wrapped up I found myself in a sort of assignment limbo. The thought was unsettling at first, until I was hurtled headlong into my next, rather daunting, assignment. This left me missing the simple pleasure of doing...well nothing really. After another week of working on this latest assignment, I thought I deserved a night out.

Music in the streets

We went to Arirang, a Korea BBQ restaurant located in Gulshan. The food was excellent as was the service. A burner located in the center of the table allowed the server to prepare our dinner right before us. After dinner, we decided to head to the Westin for some ice cream. There tends to be a theme in many of the outings that we go on; somehow we always end up getting sweets of one kind or another.

The Westin

It was here at the Westin, that I decided to indulge in a substance I had not let pass my lips in two months: beer. And let me tell you it was damn good. In retrospect, I decided that part of the reason I enjoyed it so much was also due to the fact that it was undoubtedly the coldest beverage I had tasted in Bangladesh. The quality of my experience was reflected in the price of the beer at 720 taka (around $8). After the Westin, Luke Carmen and Rachel decided they weren't in the mood to go out to the Dutch Club, so Mahira and I set out to try to find the place. I was under the impression that either her or the driver would have know where to go, but after about a half hour of searching we heard the distinct thumping of house music and knew we were in the right place.

The Dutch Club is one of a few expat clubs located in the city. The clubs routinely host parties that make up a large portion of the Dhaka city night life. Much like the bars in the U.S. there are always regulations to who gets in and who doesn't. I was a bit worried that there would be some issue getting in. A few people we met up with there informed me that I would have no problem because I am white. The blatant racism (against those who were forced to wait) left me feeling a bit put off, until later when I had more time to research the reasons. In Bangladesh drinking is permitted only if you have a foreign passport from a non-Muslim country. I guess my paleness is a good indication that I am a foreigner from a non-Muslim country. I got in, but still...that's profiling of the TSA caliber. The club was enjoyable. I had a few beers and met some interesting people. Around 1 I decided to call it a night and head back home. Thankfully I had already arranged for a taxi to pick me up. Wandering the streets of Dhaka at night is not the best idea, especially while slightly inebriated.

I really wanted to ask if they would take me home

The next two days were not very eventful. I checked out a few places in town and got a new cell phone, but nothing noteworthy happened. When I went back to work on Sunday, I started to feel a bit odd. I was tired. Not the normal tired associated with traveling the hectic streets. This was a deep weariness that I couldn't quite place. It was late in the afternoon that I started thinking I might be getting sick. The next morning confirmed my fears when I woke gasping for breath. I was severely congested and had a sore throat. After beginning my morning routine, I realized this was not something I would be able to shake off. The next few days were a blur. It was the type of sickness that makes it seem like you will feel that way for the rest of your life. If it weren't for Sabrina and Mr. Hu I believe I wouldn't be here writing this post...okay that is pushing it a bit far, but you know, dramatic effect and all. Sabrina made me tea from the root of the indigo woad plant.  Mr. Hu also gave me a small vial of white orchid oil meant to sooth my headaches. I was surprised by how effective it was, but happy for it.

Sunshine over the slums

At this point in my trip I find myself longing for home. Not only because I miss my friends and family, but also because the trials and tribulations of living here are starting to wear on me. I realize that returning to the states won't let me escape this mortal coil, but I am willing to bet the daily frustrations I face in Indiana are far more manageable than the ones I encounter here. Such is life. I only hope that through this experience I have gained some perspective. "Let us strive to improve ourselves, for we cannot remain stationary; one either progresses or retrogrades." - Mme. Du Deffand. Until next time, good night my friends. 

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